
A little more time to relax

Rose and Robert Pritchard

Rose-Mary and Robert Pritchard are long-term clients of Anglicare’s home care service. We asked Rose-Mary to explain how the Covid- 19 pandemic has affected their daily life.

“You know I think that there are advantages,” Rose-Mary explains. “We usually have a very busy schedule but there’s been a little more sitting and watching birds in the garden, lately. We are very lucky to live at Shearwater, where the parkland and beach have both remained open.”

Robert has Parkinson’s Disease, and regular exercise plays a very important role in managing his condition.

“We usually have regular sessions at two different gyms and we would normally be involved in courses and the choir through U3A,” Rose-Mary says.

“We’ve had to stop visiting one gym, but we’ve been able to continue at our other one as the risks are lower. The airy gym/movement lab is on a farm in a refurbished barn with a view of the Dial range. It has limited clients at the moment.

“Robert has a trike and I’ve got a bike of my own so that I can keep up with him, so that’s another thing we’ve been able to continue,” she adds. ‘And the indoor exercise bike has been useful on windy days.”

Rose-Mary says the home care visits from Anglicare are continuing to provide a perfect blend of social interaction for Robert and domestic chores such as vacuuming and ironing.

“The staff are always so cheerful and full of conversation. Rob finds talking difficult at times but he makes an effort for our carers and I like to hear them talk while I’m downstairs,” she says.

“We learn from our Anglicare Ladies. Jillian, who comes on Fridays, is a great educator – she passes on good ideas like the tucked in pleat in the top sheet and blanket to leave room for feet to move.”

Another routine that has not fallen by the wayside is the exchange of puns and jokes with the Anglicare Ironing Fairies.

“I cover the ironing board with white cotton for the Ironing Fairies to autograph if they so choose. Here’s one that appeared like magic:

Q: Why did the man take an iron to the office?

A: He had pressing business!

Rose-Mary says that before Robert starts going out more again she would like to have the covid safe app put onto their mobile phone.

“Anglicare’s visits enable me to go shopping for a more up-to-date phone that will load the app,” she said. “Having the app on the phone won’t stop us getting the virus but if we have been notified of possible exposure we will know to take more notice of Robert’s frequent variations in temperature and appetite and get tested.

“We have missed our friends and look forward to when visiting becomes a normal activity again!”

Please give us a ring us on 1800 466 300 if you are interested in finding out more about Anglicare’s home care service.

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