
A positive outlook, at any age

Bev McLaren sitting in chair. Generational Awareness Week.

This week is Generational Awareness Week—an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of age groups connected with Anglicare’s Home Care Services.

Our employees span several generations and every age group brings their own skills and experiences to their roles. But the most important attribute is a positive outlook and an affinity with the Anglicare values of hope, compassion, justice and respect.

Jasmin Fitzgerald is a highly regarded member of our cleaning team. At just 17, she has found her niche supporting older Tasmanians to stay in their own homes.

On finishing year 10 and with bakery experience already under her belt, Jasmin knew she wanted to find employment straight away. She enjoys cleaning at home, so professional cleaning was a natural choice.

Jasmin doesn’t come from a big family but has always been very close to her grandparents:  “When my granddad nearly passed away I decided not to take life for granted and to try and help other people where I can,” she explains.

“I just love my job,” she says. “The best part is the people I support, in fact I have come to think of them as my friends. I love cleaning their homes and brightening their day—and it makes me feel good about myself at the same time.”

Jasmin supports around 20 clients across the Hobart area.  One recently took the time to call the Anglicare service centre to pass on the following compliment: “Jasmin is an efficient, enthusiastic worker who works well with such grace.

While obviously very happy in her current role, Jasmin is interested in obtaining a qualification in aged care support further down the track.

“I would recommend this kind work to anyone my age,” she says. ‘It’s a great opportunity to meet people and learn about their lives: I’d say go for it.”

Bev surprises herself with new skills

Eighty-one-year-old client Bev McLaren (pictured above) is a wonderful role model for life-long learning. She has gained new skills that help her stay in touch with the people she cares about. They also help her to manage essential tasks from home.

Bev and her husband Neil live in Somerset and have two daughters and three sons. One daughter lives in George Town and another lives close by and is always willing to help out. The three sons all live interstate, but Bev catches up with them regularly on Messenger Video.

Bev recommends Facebook to anyone of any age.

“It keeps you up-to-date and you learn so much, even little things like what you can do with bicarb soda!” she said. “I’m not good at remembering things – I have never been good with dates – so I do need to keep looking back at things, but I manage.”

Bev says she used to travel to Wynyard to pay her rates bill, but can now do it online on her ipad.

“I didn’t think that was something I would ever be able to learn – it shows that I’ve still got a bit of my brain left!” she says. “I was at the hospital recently and the receptionist told me she couldn’t believe I was 81 and I had the brain of an 18-year-old — I made sure to tell my kids that.”

Bev has used Anglicare’s services since moving to Somerset from Havenview five-and-a-half years ago. When we rang her for our chat she was looking forward to having Home Care Worker Michelle Redman come to visit.

“Michelle is lovely; she helps me with showering and cooks some meals that we can have over the weekend,” she says. “I have another worker, Sue Carter, who helps me with showering and the housework and she is lovely, too.”

Bev loves being at home, even though she doesn’t have the room or the concentration to work on the patchwork and quilting projects she used to enjoy. She is looking forward to the better weather and to Neil getting back out into their garden:  “He’s really let it go and everything is dying!” she says.

“We also have a beautiful fur baby Milo, a gorgeous pug we love very much and he keeps us amused and happy.”

If you think Anglicare’s Home Care services could assist you or someone you know, please fill in the online form below or ring 1800 243 242.

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