
A strong partnership

Wendy Quinn from the University of Tasmania

Anglicare is continuing to strengthen its connection with the University of Tasmania by offering our team members discounted opportunities to study at tertiary level.

The formal industry partnership is the latest initiative in a long relationship with UTAS, with Anglicare already funding a social work scholarship and hosting regular work placements for students.

The expertise of Anglicare staff is also recognised by UTAS, with Dr Kristen Foss – a psychologist in our Disability Services – serving as an Adjunct Clinical Lecturer at the School of Medicine.

The new partnership will enable people working at Anglicare to access significant fee reductions for units and courses, including relevant undergraduate, postgraduate and short professional development courses.

Wendy Quinn from UTAS said removing the financial barrier would enable more people to undertake tertiary study, with many courses available for part-time study via flexible, distance (on-line) learning.

“People who have not studied for a long time are often fearful of starting study,” she said. “They undergo quite a transformative experience when they discover that their thoughts are valued and they can learn and demonstrate that they have what it takes to succeed at a university level course”.

Wendy said the benefits to graduates included increased knowledge and a qualification that “opens doors”.

“You feel differently about yourself and the impact that you can have in your current workplace,” she said. “Graduates tell us their thinking markedly changes and by the end of the course they have increased confidence, and an increased belief that they know how to go about doing new things”.

“Organisations gain by having a stimulated workforce open to new ideas and perspectives. Employees are more likely to be flexible and adaptable around the changing needs of the community. That has a positive impact on how an organisation provides its services,” she said.

Anglicare has been recognised as an Employer of Choice for demonstrating contemporary workplace practices and outstanding support for staff, including study leave entitlements.

“To serve the Tasmanian community to the best of our abilities, it’s vital that we look after the wellbeing of our team,” said Anglicare CEO Chris Jones. “That includes providing people with opportunities to keep learning and developing their skills and talents”.

Anglicare has a staff awards program Values in Action, as well as the annual Jerrim Fellowship – a major scholarship that can be used to travel overseas to visit projects or services, attend a conference, do an internship or complete a training course.

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