
Module 6 - Needle and Syringe Program (NSP)

The Tasmanian Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) is a public health initiative to minimise the spread of blood-borne viruses in the wider community.

The NSP operates through various service providers, including:

  • Community health services
  • Community service organisations
  • Neighbourhood and community houses
  • Tasmanian Aboriginal health services
  • Regional hospitals
  • Councils
  • Youth organisations
  • Pharmacies.

Primary NSPs

Primary NSPs provide a wide range of supports and initiatives in the community including:

  • injecting equipment to people who use drugs
  • health information and education
  • referrals to other services and supports
  • liaising with local agencies such as police, local government, health, drug treatment and welfare agencies
  • distributing sharps disposal containers, alcohol swabs, pill filters, and sterile water for injection
  • resources to prevent the spread of BBVs such as condoms and dental packs
  • services for the appropriate disposal of used injecting equipment.


There are 7 primary NSPs in Tasmania.

Primary NSP locations



North West

Secondary NSPs

Secondary NSPs are programs operating in existing organisations, such as community health centres, regional hospitals and community houses. They also:

  • distribute fit packs containing 1, 3 and 5ml syringes
  • provide resources to prevent the spread of BBVs


There are 17 secondary NSPs in Tasmania.

Secondary NSP locations


  • Jordan River Services – Gagebrook Community Centre, Gagebrook (03 6263 6097)
  • Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, Hobart (03 6234 0777)
  • TasCAHRD (Tasmanian Council on Aids, Hepatitis and Related Diseases), Hobart (03 6234 1242)
  • The Link, Hobart (03 6231 2927)


  • Cape Barren Community Health Centre, Cape Barren Island (03 6359 3566)
  • Flinders Island Aboriginal Association, Lady Barron (03 6359 3532)
  • Flinders Island Multi-Purpose Centre, Flinders Island (03 6359 0200)
  • Ravenswood Community Health Centre, Ravenswood (03 6777 3006)
  • St Helens District Hospital, St Helens (03 6376 5222)
  • Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, Launceston (03 6332 3800)

North West

Vending machines

Vending machines provide fit packs containing 1, 3 and 5ml syringes for a fee.


There are 4 vending machines in Tasmania.

Vending machine locations


  • Invermay Local Post Office, 52 Invermay Road, Invermay
  • Salvation Army, 111 Elizabeth Street, Launceston
  • Youngtown Pharmacy, 369 Hobart Road, Youngtown

North West

  • 40-48 Best Street, Devonport – Ground level, Multi-level carpark

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