
Community sculpture finds its forever home

Image of the sculpture with memebers of the Beaconsfield community

The Beaconsfield community has taken official ownership of a sculpture made as part of an Anglicare program.

Local families gathered this week at the Beaconsfield Child and Family Learning Centre to add some finishing touches to the Bonfire Sculpture under the guidance of Launceston-based artist Ralf Haertel.

Parents, carers and children in Ravenswood, Beaconsfield and the northern suburbs made the artwork at the beginning of the year. It was part of Anglicare’s Tamar Valley-based Communities for Children program.

“We shared food and stories, made art together and interviewed children so that their voices could be part of our national conference,” said Anglicare Program Manager Anna Antypas.

“The children shared with us what makes them happy, what they liked best about living in their community and the important people in their lives.

“The film we created was delightful. The sculpture became a beautiful visual centrepiece for the conference. Everything came together when we transferred the children’s words onto the core of the bonfire,” said Anna.

Some of the phrases used by the children included:

I feel brave when I do something by myself for the first time.”

“I’m excited about being a leader at school.”

“In Beaconsfield everyone knows everyone and it’s a nice community.”

“The most important people to me are my family.”

“My super power would be to see the future.”

“What makes me smile? Dinosaurs!”

The Beaconsfield Child and Family Learning Centre is thrilled to have the sculpture on permanent display.

“The sculpture will serve as a great play provocation for our little people and also represents families working together,” said Centre Leader Stewart Bell.

“We hope that families will continue to maintain the sculpture and decide how to use it. This will be determined by our CFLC Champions group – our community advisory mechanism that work with us to help better meet the needs of our families and community.”

Projects currently supported under Anglicare’s Communities for Children program include:
  • a multicultural playgroup
  • parenting programs, including mental health support
  • the placement of two Community Family Workers at the Northern Suburbs Community Centre
  • meenah neenah, a cultural arts program for Aboriginal students; and
  • an equestrian-based psychotherapy program.
Does your family live in the Tamar Valley or Launceston’s greater northern suburbs?

Would you like to become involved in Anglicare’s Communities for Children program? Ring us on 1800 243 232 and ask for Ellen, Jess or Anna.

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