BetStop program introduced

BetStop – a national self-exclusion register for people who want to be blocked from some types of gambling – started operating on 21 August. So how does it work?
When a person signs up to BetStop, they can no longer be contacted by any phone-based and online gambling provider licensed in Australia.
People can register for BetStop at any time, for free. Once registered, providers are not allowed to:
- open a betting account for you
- allow you to place bets
- or send you marketing material.
They must also close any existing accounts and refund any credit balances you have.
Anglicare’s Social Action and Research Centre Coordinator Mary Bennett welcomed the new scheme but questioned whether it goes far enough.
“Unfortunately, someone first has to recognise that they have a gambling problem,” she said. “The onus remains on the individual to see that gambling is causing them – and others around them – harm”.
Sports betting is a significant and growing problem in Tasmania, particularly among young, employed men.
“BetStop is a positive step but does not address the incredible number of gambling ads that we are exposed to in the media every day,” said Mary.
More information
Anglicare offers a range of confidential and free support programs, including a Gamblers Help service and recovery groups for family members and friends of people who gamble. People also find our financial counselling service useful.
Our ‘What’s the real cost?” report, published in October 2022, outlines how all Tasmanians are affected by gambling harm.