
Building on young people’s skills.

Students at Launceston’s Thyne House are building on their skills to support a healthy lifestyle.

Students at Launceston’s Thyne House are building on their skills to support a healthy lifestyle.

They recently helped to design the Eat Right, Move Right, Live Right program which will see them learn more about healthy meal planning, food budgeting and shopping skills, as well as physical activity and mental health.

Thyne House provides affordable housing for young people aged 16 – 24 who are pursuing education, employment and training opportunities. Many of the students have experienced poverty, homelessness and disrupted schooling.

“It is not uncommon for students to have had limited guidance and mentorship around maintaining a healthy lifestyle,” said Elizabeth Ward, Anglicare’s northern manager for supported residential services.

“Now they have a secure tenancy at Thyne House, it’s a prime time to provide support to build their health and wellbeing as a step towards independent living,” said Elizabeth.

“Having good health and wellbeing allows people to live life in a positive and meaningful way, and be better equipped to cope with changes and challenges”.

Students have been involved with the program right from the start, helping to design content. They expressed interest in learning more about sleep routines, being active, self-discipline and time management, stress relief, job readiness, food planning and preparation, social skills including conversation, and a range of health matters.

Young people described wellbeing as “feeling satisfied”, “treating yourself and others respectfully”, “being fair and true to yourself”, and “staying physically fit and mentally happy”.

The Eat Right, Move Right, Live Right program will be rolled out later this year. It was made possible through the support of the Tasmanian Government through the Healthy Tasmania Fund.

Learn other ways Anglicare supports young people to engage with their education. You can also find out more about our supported accommodation options at Housing Support.

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