
News & media

A photo of the new General Manager Aged Care at Anglicare Tasmania, Ellen Nicholson

Expert guidance for Anglicare team

New General Manager Aged Care Services Ellen Nicholson draws on her public health background and hits the ground running. Read more
media release

Investing in solutions for a complex community concern

Governments have an opportunity to invest in prevention and early invention to support older Tasmanians who have challenges with hoarding, says Anglicare Tasmania. Read more
Treasured Lives project phase two report by Lindsey Fidler

Treasured Lives – Phase Two Research Report

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Anglicare Home Care Support Worker sitting on the couch with a client and their dog.

Rest and reach out

When you're caring for someone it's important to make time to rest yourself and reach out for help when you need it. One of our Home Care Services clients, Ted, spoke to us during Carer's Week. Read more
George standing in a garden in front of the wishing well that he made.

George shares his knowledge

George Yow is a man of many talents. He completed a Fine Arts degree at the age of 60 and is a stalwart at his local Men’s and Community Shed. Sharing his knowledge gives him great pleasure: “Why waste it?” he asks. Read more
Barb Phillips standing in a garden beside a house smiling.

Barb is a whirlwind in her local community

Anglicare supports the Every Age Counts campaign. To mark Ageism Awareness Day, we'd like you to meet Barb, one of the many wonderful Tasmanians who use our home care services. Read more
Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre Research report called Treasured Lives

Treasured Lives Phase 1 Report

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The side of someone's head. They are touching their ear which has a hearing aid in it.

Healthy hearing

This Wednesday is World Hearing Day. At Anglicare, we know how important it is to support older Tasmanians to care for their hearing. Read more

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