
News & media

an illustration of a man and son walking holding hands and a young girl walking behind them like she is walking along the top of a wall or fence with her arms held out.

Hope for a healthier community

Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre has published a position paper that advocates for the decriminalisation of the possession and personal use of illicit drugs in Tasmania. Read more
Illustration of two children with a parent

Action for a healthier community: An effective response to illicit drugs

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A photo of the back of a group of people running and their is one runner that is being left behind.

Stage 3 tax cuts will leave Tasmanians behind

New Anglicare Australia research shows that Tasmanians would get the least benefit from the Stage 3 tax cuts of any State or Territory. Read more
Photo of Anglicare Tasmania frontline worker, Courtney.

Better, Bigger, Stronger: a frontline perspective

Courtney Adams is one of 65 professionals from the community and school services sector interviewed by researcher Dr Catherine Robinson for the Better, Bigger, Stronger project. Read more
media release

Homeless children’s mental health services need to be “better, bigger, stronger”, says Anglicare Tasmania

Tasmania requires early interventions and a restructured mental health service to respond to the needs of traumatised children, says a new report from Anglicare Tasmania. Read more
media release

Urgent needs of ‘invisible’ children

A new report from Anglicare Tasmania reveals that Tasmanian children experiencing homelessness alone during COVID-19 have been left without crucial supports. Read more
media release

Rebalancing the Scales

New research by Anglicare highlights ways to better support families involved in legal matters about child safety. Read more
Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre, SARC

Hearing the voices of Tasmanian families involved with the Child Safety system

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