
News & media

Supermarket Checkout to highlight the cost of living

Raise the rate

Anglicare has contacted Tasmania’s Federal Members of Parliament urging them to take action to ensure all Australians have an income adequate to live with dignity. We are calling for the rate of Newstart and Youth Allowance to be raised. Read more
Financial Counsellor smiling

7 Awkward questions you might have wanted to ask a financial counsellor…

Meet Jonathan Turk, Anglicare’s Financial Counselling, Service Development Coordinator. Read more
person using their phone as a calculator holding a stack of receipts indicating concern over money

Mortgage stress hitting hard

Anglicare is responding to a growing number of people experiencing mortgage stress. Read more
A green weatherboard house with a beautiful flower garden in the front yard.

Working together to prevent eviction

“I treat people the way I like to be treated. I do understand things happen – relationship breakdowns, domestic violence, job losses, ill health - and through no fault of your own. I’ve also experienced tough times.” Read more
Financial counsellor sitting at table.

Better equipped for life ‘outside’

Every week, Anglicare financial counsellor Ross Mackenzie willingly spends time behind bars. Read more
Volunteer financial counsellor sitting in front of computer smiling

Celebrating 20,000 loans

Anglicare volunteers help to connect Tasmanians on low incomes with micro-loans that have no interest, fees or charges. Read more
Blury night lights on a busy street

Back from the brink

In the grip of a poker machine gambling addiction, Tony* had 13 credit cards, a debt of $120,000 and was at risk of losing his family home. Read more

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