
Research and publications

All 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Aged Care Services Annual Report AOD Centrelink Child Protection Children Connect Newsletter Cost of Living Disability Dr Catherine Robinson Education Gambling Health Healthy Ageing Homelessness Housing Mental Health Needle & Syringe Program Rental Affordability Snapshot Reports SARC Social Action Series State Budget Strategic Plan Submissions Transport Treasured Lives Utilities Young People
Social Action and Research Centre Submission>

Anglicare Tasmania Submission to the Draft Short Stay Accommodation Bill 2018

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At-Risk Families

Supporting families

Supporting at-risk families is critical for advancing the wellbeing of Tasmanian children, new Anglicare research shows. Read more
Eveline House Grand Opening

Eveline House launched

The first tenants of Eveline House – Tasmania’s newest youth accommodation facility – have described their new home as “amazing”. Read more
Residential housing service

In a good place

Tasmanians have told us how their lives have changed for the better since moving into a residential housing service managed by Anglicare. Read more
Rental Affordability Snapshot

Rental market lock-out

People on low incomes, including working Tasmanians on minimum wage, are largely locked out of the state’s private rental market. Read more
illustration of a group of houses>

Rental Affordability Snapshot Tasmania 2018

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Housing Connect

Housing action a priority

In recent weeks Tasmania has experienced some windy, cold weather – leading to community concern about the welfare of people experiencing homelessness. Read more
Older man looking lost, concerned and unhappy.>

The concerning trend of rising homelessness

While a lack of affordable housing is a long-standing issue in Tasmania, lately Anglicare staff are seeing an escalation in the volume and urgency of people seeking housing help. Read more

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