
News & media

A group of people standing in front of the Huon Valley PCYC building in Huonville. They are representatives from both Anglicare Tasmania and the PCYC.

Anglicare joins with Huon Valley PCYC to ‘get into the game’

Anglicare Tasmania is encouraging sporting organisations to make a commitment to reduce the impact of sports betting in their club environments. Read more
Illustration of a hand holding a card with the words Simple as written on it.

Card system to benefit all Tasmanians

A promised card system for poker machine gambling is set to have widespread benefits for all Tasmanians, says a new report from Anglicare Tasmania. Read more
Anglicare Australia logo

Australians on lower incomes face higher living costs, says Anglicare Australia

Anglicare Australia released a new report, The Poverty Premium, today. It shows that Australians on low incomes face higher living costs. Read more
Rental affordability snapshot 2023

Housing investment must feature targets and transparency, says Anglicare

Anglicare Tasmania has encouraged the Tasmanian Government to develop a framework with clear targets for the availability of affordable housing to guide its investment in the State’s housing market. Read more
Noel Mundy speaking to media for the Fair Funding Campaign

Anglicare Tasmania supports Fair Funding campaign

Anglicare Tasmania supports the Fair Funding campaign’s request for fair and reasonable funding in this year’s State budget. Read more
An illustration of a hand holding a mobile with dollar signs on the screen and floating around in the air around it

The real cost of gambling harm

Reducing gambling harm will deliver benefits to all Tasmanians, says a new report from Anglicare Tasmania’s Social Action and Research Centre (SARC). Read more
media release

Homeless children’s mental health services need to be “better, bigger, stronger”, says Anglicare Tasmania

Tasmania requires early interventions and a restructured mental health service to respond to the needs of traumatised children, says a new report from Anglicare Tasmania. Read more
media release

Investing in solutions for a complex community concern

Governments have an opportunity to invest in prevention and early invention to support older Tasmanians who have challenges with hoarding, says Anglicare Tasmania. Read more

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