
News & media

Home Care Packages

Extra support needed

All their lives, the Hindles have gathered people together and cared for others – and now the Blackmans Bay couple are receiving some support themselves. Read more
Taz Kids

Taz Kids: Campers find courage

“I learned how to be brave”. Read more
Communities for Children: Every Child Succeeds

Every Child Succeeds

Anglicare recently hosted the Communities for Children – Every Child Succeeds conference, bringing together 350 people each day to learn and collaborate. Read more
Needle and Syringe Program

Quietly making a difference

Preventing epidemics –by putting in place measures to protect people from infection – often takes place without fanfare and over many years. Read more
At-Risk Families

Supporting families

Supporting at-risk families is critical for advancing the wellbeing of Tasmanian children, new Anglicare research shows. Read more
Anglicare Sorell Office

New office at Sorell

Anglicare has officially opened a new office at Sorell – to serve one of the State’s fastest growing municipalities. Read more
Eveline House Grand Opening

Eveline House launched

The first tenants of Eveline House – Tasmania’s newest youth accommodation facility – have described their new home as “amazing”. Read more
National Homelessness Week

Ending homelessness together

National Homelessness Week (6th - 12th August) aims to raise community awareness of homelessness and the actions needed to address it. Read more

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