
Celebrate Aged Care Employee Day on Monday 7 August

Aged Care Employee Day, thanks for caring. Monday 7th August 2023.

Anglicare Tasmania would like to say thank you to all our wonderful Aged Care team members for supporting older Tasmanians to enjoy living safely and independently at home.

Today we would like to feature one of our newest Home Care team members, Meg Direen, pictured above.

Meg joined Anglicare in February as a Home Care Cleaner. We are supporting her to gain the qualifications she will need to become a Home Care Worker and she’s excited about the prospect.

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

I absolutely love my job. Being able to support our clients by helping them do things they may have difficulty doing now and in the long run, keeping them independent and able to stay in their own home where they are comfortable and happy is such a privilege.

And the challenges?

My only struggle is leaving a client who I know loves and needs the company.

Do you have a personal goal to learn a new skill? 

Yes. This is my first job after years of being a stay home mum, raising my two children. Anglicare has already given me plenty of opportunities to get my foot in the door and I can’t wait to keep gaining more experience and qualifications in the community services sector.

Which of the Anglicare values (Hope, Justice, Compassion and Respect) resonates with you most?

Compassion – in this world we need more of it. I love being able to practice this in life and working for an organisation that has this as one of their values is a good fit for me.


For more information on Aged Care Employee Day visit the Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) – www.accpa.asn.au

Click here for information on Anglicare’s Aged Care services.

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