
Children the focus at Anglicare conference

A photo of three children from the Tamar Valley

Children from Launceston and the Tamar Valley will be the focus of next month’s Communities for Children virtual conference.

The Communities for Children conference is a two yearly event that is convened by Anglicare and funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and the Department of Communities Tasmania. It will be held online this year on Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 March.

The conference is part of the Communities for Children initiative facilitated by Anglicare that supports communities in the Launceston and Tamar Valley region to create positive futures for all children growing up there.

Projects currently supported under this initiative include a multicultural playgroup, a parenting program, the placement of two Community Family Workers and an art-based program for Aboriginal students at the Northern Suburbs Community Centre, programs that focus on early intervention and mental health support for vulnerable children, an equestrian-based psychotherapy program and a playgroup and Youth Networker role based in George Town.

These are in addition to regular Anglicare programs offered to families across the North.

Anglicare Communities for Children Program Manager Anna Antypas says a series of community barbecues held in the area last month provided a friendly and welcoming environment for local families and some wonderful material for the conference.

“We shared food and stories, made art together and interviewed children so that their voices could become an important part of the conference,” she said.


The children shared with us what makes them happy, the best thing about living in their community and who was the most important person in their life.


With the theme of ‘Transitions’, the conference will examine critical points in child development and opportunities for improving community engagement and the way in which community service systems can work together for child, family and community wellbeing.

Keynote presenters include US-based paediatrician Dr Laura Jana, Marina Dickson from the Australian Childhood Foundation, education innovator Peter Hutton, To Be Loved Network founder Darren Mort and Tasmanian Will Smith, founder of JCP Empowering Youth.

A series of interactive workshop sessions with State-based facilitators, educators and researchers will be interspersed over the two days.

The conference provides a professional development opportunity for educators, academics, practitioners, clinicians, health care and community workers. Interested parents, guardians and carers are also warmly invited to attend.

It’s not too late to register!

Registration for the conference is free, and will be open throughout the two days, so please join us at any time.

Find out all the details and register on the Anglicare website here.


PHOTO:  This trio was interviewed for Anglicare’s Children for Communities Conference.




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