
Find community activities in your area

Whoever you are, and whatever your age, staying connected with other people is important.  Social connection is great for your health and wellbeing.  It can provide opportunities for you to be inspired, learn new things, and have fun!

It’s also a way to give back to your community and show you care for others.

Are you as connected as you would like to be? If not, think about what types of connection you’d like to make, and try taking a small action that’s within your comfort zone.

COTA Tasmania

The Council of the Ageing (COTA) has created a comprehensive community activity page which you can search by specific areas in Tasmania.

It features learning activities (cooking, arts and crafts, creative writing etc), physical activities (fitness and strength, gardening, walking groups, water-based sports etc) as well as music, concerts and choir groups.

You can also add your own activities and events.

Visit the COTA Website

COTA Tasmania

Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

Have you considered being part of your local men’s shed? 

Men’s sheds are becoming the heart and hub for men in communities right throughout Tasmania.

You can learn a new skill or pass on your skill to others.  Many members simply like to drop in for a cuppa and a game of crib.  Some like to just sit and have a chat.

Visit the Tasmanian Men’s Shed website to find a shed in your local area.

Find a shed

Tasmanian Men's Shed Association Inc

Country Women's Association

Have you thought about joining Country Women’s Assocation Tasmania?

For a low cost (approx. $50) you can join your local Country Women’s Association (CWA) and join a wonderful mix of young, old, city folk and country dwellers and receive a large array of benefits.

CWA offers connection, community, opportunities to ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’, fun, friendship, and opportunities to learn new skills.

There is a large array of branches across Tasmania.

Visit CWA Tasmania Website

Country Womens Association Tasmania

Volunteering Tasmania

Have you considered volunteering in your community?

Good news is that there is an organisation in Tasmania that helps to connect you with the right volunteering job for you!

You can view current volunteering positions available on the Volunteering Tasmania website.  If you prefer to speak to someone you can ring them on 6231 5550 and arrange a meeting with a ‘Volunteer Connector’ who will help you find something that suits you.

Visit Volunteering Tasmania website

Volunteering Tasmania

Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania

Do you have a Neighbourhood House near you?

Neighbourhood Houses are places where people come together and find support, belonging and purpose as they work together to support their local community and make a real difference in peoples lives.

The houses are run by the community, for the community and offer a wide range of programs and activities for local people.

There are 35 Neighbourhood Houses in Tasmania.

Visit Neighbourhood Houses website

Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania

Eat and grow well with others

Community Gardens

Is there a community garden in your area?

Not only do community gardens provide access to free or low-cost fresh, nutritious food, they also provide an opportunity for people to come together and participate in community life, connect with the environment and develop valuable skills.

Maybe you are an experienced gardener, and you can contribute to the knowledge of others?  Even if you are not, you can still contribute to and benefit from being part of your local community garden.

Ways to find a local community garden:

Check out eat well tasmania

The Eat Well website (www.eatwelltas.org.au) that promotes eating healthy Tasmanian grown and produced food.  They have a great list of local producers, markets and farmers markets that you can search by region.

Eat Well Tasmania also promote Plate With a Mate, encouraging Tasmanians to connect with friends and consider healthier meal alternatives.


Walking Groups

Could you join others for a walk?

There are so many benefits from walking.  The Heart Foundation calls it the ‘Wonder Drug’ which can help to reduce your risk of developing many diseases and other health related problems.  It can help to improve your daily mood which leads to better mental health.

You could start walking with your friends or family members, even if you start with only 10 minutes a day.  For a longer walk maybe consider joining a local walking group.  If you’re super keen you could always start your own.

Ways to find a local walking group:

a man and a woman walking in the park with their arms linked. They appear to be in conversation and they are smiling.


How about joining a choir?

Singing is well known for its mental and physical health benefits by broadening and strengthening community connections, releasing positive neurochemicals (eg endorphin, dopamine and serotonin), exercising the brain, improving breathing, posture and muscle tension.

It doesn’t have to be the type of choir that you audition for.  In fact there are many choirs now that focus more on building a sense of community within the community as well as giving free performances to the wider community.

Tips on finding a local choir:

  • Visit COTA Tasmania’s Activity page on their website and select your area and ‘Music Concerts and choir groups’.
  • Enquire at your church.
  • use your preferred internet search engine such as google.  There are a lot of choirs in Tasmania with their own websites.

A lady standing up in front of a group of people which appear to be a choir, singing. She has her hands up in the air. The people singing look happy and to be enjoying it.