
Dayle is committed to exercise and community

Photo of man standing in the garden beside a tree with lots of ripe lemons. He is smiling, wearing a baseball cap and has his hands in his pockets.

Dayle Snooks, 81, of Burnie, is a strong advocate for the flow-on benefits of exercising and actively participating in your local community – no matter your age or physical limitations.

Last year Dayle had major back surgery to repair damage caused by a bout of cancer in his spinal discs. Radiation treatment followed and at one stage it was unclear if he would walk again.

“That was always my goal,” Dayle says. “Now my back is melded back together, but I don’t have the same movement. Physiotherapy and massage have been a great help.”

Dayle credits Burnie’s Healthglo gym for improving both his physical and mental health.

“The owner, Andrew Keen, has supported me over the years and especially when I returned to the gym after a long lay-off,” he says.

“These days I go there three times a week. I ride an exercise bike in a laid-back position, to support my back, and use weights on my legs and back.

“The gym is also good for my mental health,” says Dayle. “I chat with people I’ve known all my life.”

When he’s not exercising, Dayle enjoys reading, watching a good drama, the AFL and test cricket on television and playing bridge. He is a strong supporter of his local football team, the Burnie Dockers.

Dayle and his wife Pauline are closely involved with Hospice North West, an organisation that supports people with life-limiting illness and their families. Dayle is a member of the Board of Management, while Pauline is a regular volunteer.

“COVID made it difficult to do home visits and transport clients to appointments but thankfully our services are now back to normal,” he says.

The couple use Anglicare’s Home Care services which support Tasmanians to maintain their independence, health and home. They receive domestic assistance and clinical support for Dayle, as well as a gardening service.  “I can do the planting and looking after the garden but I have a good man who does the heavy work,” he explains.

Why Every Age Counts

Anglicare Tasmania is a signatory to the Every Age Counts campaign. The campaign’s vision is “a society where every person is valued, connected and respected regardless of age and functional health.”

October 1 was the International Day of Older Persons as well as the inaugural Ageism Awareness Day.

Find more information on Anglicare’s Home Care Services here.

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