
Anglicare Winter Appeal: let’s walk alongside Tasmanians in need

Winter Appeal 2022

Winter has arrived in Tasmania. Please donate to the Anglicare Winter Appeal and help us reach out to people in need.

Right now, many Tasmanians are struggling to find affordable, safe housing, put food on the table and cover essentials such as electricity, petrol and clothing for growing children.

The long and often harsh Tasmanian winter exacerbates these difficulties.

In your local community there are people missing out on the basics that all of us need.

They may be a traumatised young person searching for shelter and care.

Or the parents of children eager to join a local sports team but held back because of the cost of uniforms and equipment.

And we know of older people who go to bed early because they can’t afford to heat their home.

“You’ve probably heard the expression ‘walking in someone else’s shoes.’ I am not asking you to do this,” says Anglicare Tasmania’s CEO Chris Jones.

“I hope you never experience the stress and fear associated with hardship. What you can do instead is support Anglicare to walk alongside those currently experiencing these difficulties.

Your gift to the 2022 Anglicare Winter Appeal will help us reach out to offer emergency accommodation, warm clothing and sturdy footwear, nutritious food, and payment of power bills.

Together, we can boost people’s spirits and give them valuable breathing space. Best of all, we can show them they belong to a community that cares.

Give today and help us ease the pressure for Tasmanians in need this winter.

How to donate

You can donate over the phone on 1800 243 232. Please have your credit card details handy.

You can visit this page on our website.

Or you might prefer to send us a cheque or a money order. Our postal address is GPO Box 1620 Hobart TAS 7001.

Our parish coordinator, Margaret Savage, is taking donations of food items. If you’d like to make this kind of contribution, please contact her at m.savage@staging-anglicare.kingsdigital.dev.  We ask that you make sure that your donations are non-perishable, well within their use-by date and able to be opened without a can opener.


Are you feeling the pinch of cost-of-living pressures?

A great first step is to talk to an Anglicare financial counsellor. They can’t give you financial advice but they can help you weigh up your options and develop a budget. Call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007


Enquire onlineContact us

Please fill in this form and a representative of Anglicare will reply to your message within two working days. Be sure to provide your complete contact details so we can respond to you.

Click the button below to visit our contact page

Contact us

Or, phone us on

1800 243 232