Donating for good

The harsh weather has well and truly set in and some people in our community are finding it tough going.
Anglicare’s Winter Appeal is assisting Tasmanians to pay their power bills, avoid eviction and feed and clothe their children.
Over the past few weeks we’ve shared some nourishing and warming recipes on our Facebook page. Head over to find some old-fashioned comfort food such as Shepherd’s Pie, Hash Brown Egg Cups, Chicken and Corn Soup and more. These meals have been nominated as winter favourites by residents at several of the accommodation facilities we manage.
Donations put to use all year round
Anglicare also uses donated funds to boost the quality of life and prospects of people in a range of other ways. We encourage our staff, particularly the people who work directly with families and individuals living in regional communities, to apply for funding on their clients’ behalf. Here are just a few examples of donations-in-action over the past six months:
- The purchase of good quality running apparel and shoes enabled a student at Launceston’s Thyne House to train for and compete in his first half-marathon last month.
- Students at Eveline House in Devonport are enjoying new gym equipment.
- A new bicycle is enabling support workers to ride out with a client of our disability services. This is one of his favourite activities.
- We provided funds for Burnie Lodge residents to renew their vegetable garden and purchase an outdoor setting.
- Residents at Bilton Lodge at Claremont are loving their new 8 ball table, while a new dining setting has been purchased for Bayview Lodge on Hobart’s Eastern Shore.
- A client is all set for her leavers’ dinner now that she has a new formal dress.
Our Winter Appeal is still open and we’ve made donating easy.
You can donate over the phone on 1800 243 232. Please have your credit card details handy.
You can visit our website donations page by clicking here.
Or you might prefer to send us a cheque or a money order. Our postal address is GPO Box 1620 Hobart TAS 7001.
Our parish coordinator, Margaret Savage, is also taking donations of food items. If you’d like to make this kind of contribution, please contact her at We ask that you make sure that your donations are non-perishable, well within their use-by date and able to be opened without a can opener.