
Anglicare Tasmania supports Fair Funding campaign

Noel Mundy speaking to media for the Fair Funding Campaign

Anglicare Tasmania supports the Fair Funding campaign’s request for fair and reasonable funding in this year’s State budget.

The community services sector that assists some of Tasmania’s most vulnerable people continues to be stretched thin.

This is happening as our State grapples with chronic housing shortages and significant cost of living pressures.

Anglicare is committed to operating sustainably as good stewards of the funds we receive. But delivering quality services in partnership with government requires workable systems and appropriate funding.

“The State Government’s indexation rate has not kept up with the true cost of delivering services,” said Noel Mundy, General Manager – Housing and Community Services.

“At a time of high demand for essential community services like housing, counselling and mental health support, we ask the Government to urgently respond to the sector’s calls for help.

“Anglicare’s committed frontline team is working hard to respond to the needs of Tasmanians and make every funding dollar count,” said Noel. “However, funding has been going backwards in real terms and there are waiting lists for many key services.

“All Tasmanians are experiencing rising costs right now – and organisations like Anglicare are no different,” he said. “The indexation rate needs to keep pace with inflation and properly reflect the true cost of delivering much-needed services to our community.”

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