Are you or someone you know experiencing financial abuse?

There are many different forms of family and domestic violence. Financial abuse is often the forgotten and unrecognised form.
Financial abuse can be as harmful as other forms of domestic violence. So, what is financial abuse?
It is when a person tries to have power and control over another person through financial means. It is a repeated pattern of behaviour and can occur between partners or other family members.
Financial abuse includes behaviour such as:
- controlling a person’s finances to exclude them
- limiting a person’s freedom to access their own money
- limiting a person’s ability to earn their own money
- forcing a person to apply for credit in their name then use it for themselves
- running up debt in someone else’s name
- taking money out of a person’s pension without permission
- making a person change their will.
1800 Respect
If you are experiencing financial abuse the number 1 priority is your safety. In an abusive relationship you shouldn’t confront your abuser without support.
To speak to a counsellor, call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732).
For more information and guidance on financial abuse, visit
National Debt Helpline
If you are in debt due to financial abuse and creditors are contacting you, call the National Debt Helpline (1800 007 007).
This is a free, independent and confidential service.