
Gamblers Help training session

The Gamblers Help program provides counselling to individuals and groups affected by gambling. Our counsellors also provide community education on all aspects of gambling and gambling-related harm.

In this training session we will cover:

  • What gambling is and the many forms it can take
  • How to recognise gambling harm
  • How to respond to and seek support for gambling harm.

Before you begin your training, please complete the below knowledge test to see how much you already know about gambling harm.

Once finished, there will be 7 training modules and a short quiz for you to complete. You will receive a Certificate of Attainment at the end of the session via email.

Training modules

There are 7 training modules that you will move through during this training session:

Module 1 – Statistics
Module 2 – What is gambling and gaming?
Module 3 – Gambling and the physical response
Module 4 – Beliefs and myths
Module 5 – Gambling as an addiction
Module 6 – Recognising and responding to gambling harm
Module 7 – Seeking support


Start with Module 1 after completing the pre-assessment quiz. With each module you complete, you will gain access to the next module.

Before we begin, let's test your knowledge...

Please take this pre-assessment quiz to see how much you already know about gambling harm.