Hepatitis C clinic moves to Bridgewater during November

Did you know that a simple blood test is your first step towards treatment that will cure you of Hepatitis C?
Registered Nurse Megan Hughes from Sexual Health Tasmania will perform blood testing in a welcoming, confidential environment at the Bridgewater Community Centre every Friday in November.
You don’t need an appointment and you will receive a $20 gift voucher.
What is ‘Hep C?
“‘Hep C’ is a blood-borne virus that damages a person’s liver,” Megan explains. “The virus can be transmitted through the sharing of injecting equipment or if you get a tattoo done with equipment that hasn’t been sterilised, but it’s important to understand that any blood-to-blood contact carries this risk.
“Symptoms can include tiredness, trouble sleeping, mood swings, anxiety and depression, nausea and poor appetite but it’s also possible to live with the virus without feeling sick, so the earlier you seek treatment the better,” she said.
“If you return a positive test, we’ll find out more about your liver health and give you a prescription for either an eight or 12 week course of one tablet a day that you can take straight to a pharmacy.”
What: FREE testing for the Hepatitis C virus
When: 9.30 a.m.—3.30 p.m. every FRIDAY IN NOVEMBER
Where: Bridgewater Community Centre, 6 Bowden Drive Bridgewater
Who: Anyone at risk of developing Hepatitis C, even if you don’t display any symptoms.
What to bring: Please bring your Medicare card and mobile phone.
If you have any questions, please contact the Bridgewater Community Centre on 6263 4303.