Home Interaction Program
for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY)
Supporting children at home to be ready for school in Launceston Tasmania
HIPPY is a home-based school readiness program for families with children who are turning 4, enrolled in pre-kinder or kindergarten, and who live in and around Launceston.
HIPPY tutors give you support and resources to create a fun learning environment in your home. You and your child spend 10 to 15 minutes each week day doing enjoyable learning activities. The quality time you spend together doing HIPPY gives them a great start for their early years at school.
You don’t need to be a trained teacher because our tutors are trained to help you every step of the way. They will visit you at home and show you how to do the HIPPY activities.
There are group meetings where you can get new ideas about learning activities your child might enjoy, and also touch base with other parents doing HIPPY. Our tutors are paid, they are all parents who are doing HIPPY themselves and they work with you – not with your child.