
How do I access support if I’m intending to return to work after a non-work related illness or injury?

Anglicare supports the return to work of employees who are injured, undergo a medical or surgical procedure or who contract an illness outside their employment.

But this can only occur where reasonable adjustments can be made. In determining whether adjustments are reasonable, Anglicare must consider it’s commitment to the health and safety of all employees, clients and visitors and the operational requirements for Anglicare to deliver services to clients.

Where an employee has capacity to return to work, the Employee Health and Safety Consultant will need to determine whether the return to work is appropriate on the basis that:

1.  A request for Additional Medical Information has been provided to the treating GP and returned to Human Resources (if deemed necessary) and/ or a clearance has been provided by the relevant medical practitioner.

2.  Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure the safety of the employee and all other employees, clients and visitors with relation to the injury or illness

3.  Return to work will not unduly effect the operation of the program or other staff, clients or visitors. Examples of this may include:

a.       where return to work on a part time basis over a long period will result in an untenable part time position

b.      where an employee cannot contribute to the goals and objectives of the program

4.  Return to work occurs in accordance with Anglicare Policy, the Anglicare Tasmania Collective agreement and relevant legislation.

An employee safety plan is a document developed by Anglicare to ensure all parties are aware of any restrictions in returning to work. The worker must agree to follow the plan, which is designed to ensure safety in the workplace.

Once it has been deemed the employee is able to return to work and can meet the inherent requirements of the pre-injury position the Employee Health and Safety Consultant will liaise with the relevant Manager who will manage the return to work program with the employee.

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