I found out I was pregnant very late. I didn’t have much time to think about it. My family was happy, but I felt confused and alone. I shut myself away and didn’t talk to anyone. After my baby was born, my child health nurse saw I was struggling. She referred me to the KIDS program to help me figure out how to do it.
The program coordinator visited me each week. She helped me work through my issues and the experiences I had been holding inside. Once I was in a good place I was matched with a volunteer who was amazing.
When she visited we talked about everything openly and honestly, with no fear of judgement.
She was a parent herself and understood what I was feeling.
She motivated me to get out of the house and join some playgroups. I have come a long way. I’m not sure if I would have coped without the help of the KIDS program. I now feel I am a good mum and love my child more than I could ever have imagined.