Professional, effective treatment

Anglicare is partnering with Tasmanian GPs to deliver tailored treatment to people with problematic alcohol or other drug use.
“This is a clinical service provided by professional allied health workers,” said Anglicare’s Linden Green. “It is for anyone whose use of alcohol, prescription drugs or illicit drugs is having negative consequences for their health and wellbeing”.
So how does someone know when their use of alcohol or another drug is an issue?
“People may notice that they are taking the drug in larger amounts, that they are having cravings and urges to use the substance,” said Linden. “Often people will recognise that their drug use is causing problems in relationships, or they’re giving up activities or not getting things done at work, home or school”.
“It’s not uncommon for people to want to cut down or stop using a substance, but find they’re not able to. That’s where tailored treatment can really help”.
Anglicare’s Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service is free. People can contact Anglicare directly or be referred through their GP. Anglicare also works with people who are required to seek treatment through the court system. “The good news is that research says that people who come in a mandatory arrangement have equal probability of a successful intervention,” said Linden.
Anglicare uses evidence-based assessment and screening tools. “These enable us to determine the severity of the issue and work out an individual treatment plan for each person,” he said. “This might be detox, therapeutic counselling, or a short-term intervention such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy,” he said. “CBT involves supporting people to identify their triggers then work out practical ways to make changes to how they are thinking, feeling and behaving”.
As well as treatment, Anglicare provides after-care for people who have completed a recovery or rehabilitation program. “Basically, we can coordinate a whole range of services to support someone who wants to improve their quality of life,” said Linden.
Anglicare works collaboratively with GPs to ensure people receive the best possible treatment approach. “People can give permission for Anglicare to release information back to their treating physician,” said Linden. “Doctors are a crucial part of the picture because people have health conditions and a whole host of things that can interact with treatment. No-one’s health happens in segments that can be divided up – it all interconnects – so it’s useful to be coordinated about treatment. Anglicare really encourages openness around communication”.
Anglicare’s drug and alcohol treatment service is available state-wide. “We are approachable and have quick response times,” said Linden. “We also do outreach, going out into the community. It’s all about ensuring people are well informed and well supported. It is possible to live free from substance dependence”.
Find out more about Anglicare’s Drug and Alcohol Treatment services.