
Anglicare’s Connect Newsletter – Sept 2021 (Issue 9)

Man with a grey beard, a round brim hat, looks dirty and warn. Wearing a checkered shirt with rolled up sleeves. He is learning over into a garden bed that has blooming flowers. Pink. Orange.

Welcome to the Spring edition of Connect.

You might spot some familiar faces in this edition. We wanted to shine a light on the people who support you to live independently and well at home.

On page 4 we meet Margaret, one of our valued team members who works in the Hobart area. She has some tips on how to stay strong and on your feet.

We’re currently on the lookout for new team members with the right skills and values to join our home care and disability service areas. This will be very important as additional older Tasmanians receive a home care package and choose Anglicare as their provider. Hemnath and Renae (page 7) feature in this campaign.

Last month we marked Aged Care Employee Day by inviting some clients to drop into their nearest office to say “thank you”. Turn to page 8 to see some photos.

Spring is the season for growth, renewal and abundance. Tasmania would have to be the best place in the world to live right now. We are so privileged to have access to vaccines to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities from COVID. I have encouraged all Anglicare workers to get the vaccine as soon as they become eligible. I’ve had my two doses now and I hope that you have, too. If you have any concerns, please talk to your GP.

May God bless you and your families.

Publication Type: Newsletter Publication Date: Sept 2021 Anglicare's Connect Newsletter - Sept 2021 (Issue 9)

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