
Anglicare’s Connect Newsletter – Sept 2022 (Issue 13)

Elderly woman holding a bunch of picked daisies.

Welcome to the Spring edition of Connect.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Winter Appeal. We had a fantastic response from parishioners and the general community and have been able to support many Tasmanians in need. We’ve included a winter warming recipe on page 12 as it’s unlikely that we are completely out of the woods yet.

Take a look at the checklist on page 4 for some simple changes you can make that will minimise the risk of you having a fall.

As Ellen explains on the next page, we’ve reached some important milestones recently. This means we need to grow our team (page 6).

The current cost of living pressures mean it’s more important than ever to have a balanced budget. Please don’t hesitate to contact our financial counselling service if you or someone you care about needs support (page 8.) It’s free, confidential and completely without judgement.

Lee is a client with a passion for art, flowers and fashion (page 10). She was very generous in sharing her time and story with us – thank you, Lee.

With best wishes to you and your families.

Publication Type: Newsletter Publication Date: September 2022 Anglicare’s Connect Newsletter – Sept 2022 (Issue 13)

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