Supporting young people with work placement experience

Anglicare is supporting young people with a refugee, migrant or asylum seeker background to experience a work placement.
It is part of the Pathways to Opportunities project – a partnership between Students Against Racism, A Fairer World and TasTAFE.
The project supports young people in their final year of intensive English to transition to work or pursue further study. This period can be especially challenging for people with little knowledge of the labour market or local networks to help them find jobs.
Anglicare recently hosted TasTafe student Indira Kafley who spent time with our Human Resources team in Hobart.
Indira was born in a refugee camp in Nepal. She arrived in Hobart five years ago, along with her siblings and parents, who are originally from Bhutan. As Nepalese speakers, the family did not know English.
“I thought I’d never leave the refugee camp. It was all I’d ever known. So I was happy to arrive somewhere safe and secure,” said Indira. “Hobart is very beautiful and green. I love the fresh cold air and the mountain. It reminds me of Nepal. Of course I’ll go back there and visit one day. But my home is here now”.
Indira’s parents encouraged their children to gain an education and secure employment.
“Last year I completed two Certificate IIIs – in Spoken and Written English, and Individual Support. Now, I’ve almost finished a Certificate II in Business.” said Indira. “I tried to get a job when I finished last year but I didn’t have my driver’s license. Employers said I needed this. So now I have one! As well as more qualifications”.
In addition to her studies, Indira has undertaken seasonal work, picking grapes, apples, cherries and strawberries. Now she has almost finished at TasTAFE, Indira is motivated to find full time employment.
“I’d like to work in aged care support. I enjoy helping others. I’m especially interested in supporting people from different backgrounds. I understand what they’ve experienced.” said Indira. “But my long term goal is to work in an office. I have learnt so much from watching the Human Resources team at Anglicare. They are on the phone explaining things a lot. And I really understand now the importance of networking”.
Nikole Wright, who leads our HR team, said the Pathways to Opportunities project also benefited Anglicare.
“Not only are we supporting a young person to find their way, it assists us build a workplace with greater understanding and social connections with people from different cultural backgrounds,” she said.
Anglicare is an Employer of Choice and supports workplace diversity. Find out about Careers with Anglicare