
Viet cooks up a storm at Trinity Hill

Viet teaching students how to cook

The students who live at the Youth2Independence complex at Trinity Hill in North Hobart are hungry to learn new skills.

New students enrol in TasTAFE’s Certificate I in Developing Independence. The course provides a framework for goal-setting across six key service areas:  education, employment, health and wellbeing, community participation and social connections.

28-year-old Viet (pictured above) has become a familiar face for the Trinity students. He recently completed a two-year Diploma of Community Services through TasTAFE and says a three-month industry placement there was a rewarding way to finish his studies.

“I chat to the students about what they’ve been up to. I’ve learnt a lot from the Youth Development Coaches, Bek and James, about how Trinity Hill works,” he says.

I really enjoyed holding cooking workshops where I teach the students how to cook Vietnamese food. My cooking style is very relaxed – what you would cook at home – and the students liked that.

“I also offered workshops to the students about NILS – the No-Interest-Loans Scheme. I tell them to apply for a NILS loan to purchase a laptop rather than go through a scheme like AfterPay.”

Viet already has a position lined up in the community services sector. He will join the Salvos’ community team based at Glenorchy.

“The training I did during my diploma matched what is happening in industry very accurately,” he said. “I’ve learned about communication and interviewing skills, processes and the importance of client privacy.

“I’m really looking forward to engaging with young people in my career. I’d like to do case work so that I can work with people over a long time frame. I want to see them flourish and achieve their goals,” says Viet.

He is also looking forward to volunteering once a month back in the kitchen at Trinity Hill.

Senior Youth Development Coach at Trinity Hill Rebekka Gale says it’s been great to have Viet as part of the Trinity Hill team.

“Viet’s eagerness to work within our sector and share his knowledge and skills has been invaluable,” she said. “His cooking workshops in our commercial kitchen saw the students learn new skills and try new recipes in a supportive environment.  We are very fortunate that Viet is keen to continue his cooking workshops here as a volunteer.”


More information

Trinity Hill is one of three accommodation and learning facilities for young people aged 16-24 that is managed by Anglicare under the Youth2Indepence model. The others are Eveline House in Devonport and Thyne House in Launceston. If you are interested in a place, you will need to apply through Housing Connect.

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