
News & media

Photo of Anglicare's Acquired Injury Support Services client Matthew wearing his gi and holding his certificate of achivement

What happens after brain injury?

August 17-23 is Brain Injury Awareness Week; find out how Anglicare supports people living with an acquired brain injury. Read more
Rachel Balmer, Anglicare General Manager Disability Services.

A career that is purposeful.

Working in disability support is a job that empowers others and also offers a rewarding career path. Read more
Photo of greg smiling, he looks very happy.

Grateful for recovery

“I’m just happy to be alive,” says Greg Nichols and breaks into a grin. Read more
Social Action and Research Centre Submission

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Study on NDIS Costs

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Social Action and Research Centre Submission

Submission on the NDIS provision of services for people with psychosocial disabilities

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Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre, SARC

Strengthening the disability voice in Tasmania

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Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre, SARC

The uncounted costs: choice and control for people with behaviours of concern

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Social Action and Research Centre Submission

Submission to the Senate Inquiry on the administration and purchasing of Disability Employment Services in Australia

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