
News & media

Hepatitis C Treatment

Cure available

Stigma is proving a barrier to eradicating hepatitis C – in spite of a national effort to provide people with affordable access to new, effective treatment. Read more
Chris Jones, Anglicare CEO

Part of something bigger

Chris Jones has been CEO of Anglicare Tasmania for twenty years – motivated by an unshakable commitment to social justice in his home state. Read more
Residential housing service

In a good place

Tasmanians have told us how their lives have changed for the better since moving into a residential housing service managed by Anglicare. Read more
Aged Care Respite Services

Recharging the batteries

Taking regular breaks is an important part of caring for a frail, older family member. Read more
Animated picture of people trying to climb a number of forever growing obstacles. Some are successful on their own, some are needing help from others. Some are giving up. The person in the wheelchair can't really do anything but watch.

Paying the Price of Welfare Reform

”I prefer not to use computers. I want to speak to people in person because I don’t understand a lot of things. I know the system but there are a lot of words I don’t understand." Read more
A person with long hair, a white jumper with a red heart on it and black pants and brown shoes. They are sitting on the roof of a car looking out over clouds during a sunset. Its a beautiful view.

Professional, effective treatment

Anglicare is partnering with Tasmanian GPs to deliver tailored treatment to people with problematic alcohol or other drug use. Read more
Photo looking out of a window where some aboriginal elders are standing and looking at the house and the gardens

Listening and learning on Country

Aboriginal elders recently took Anglicare CEO Chris Jones and two Aboriginal staff to visit Flinders Island. Read more
Carers Support

Supporting those who care

Jenny* is one of the 84,000 Tasmanians with an unpaid caring role. Read more

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