Learning the ropes with Taz Kids

Social Work students from the University of Tasmania wrapped up their Anglicare work placement with a Taz Kids holiday camp.
Anglicare runs the Taz Kids holiday camps in school holidays for 7-17 year olds who have a parent or carer impacted by mental health issues. The children and young people share their experiences with each other and the adult camp leaders in a supportive environment. They learn coping strategies and skills that can be useful in their family situations.
Student Alan described the opportunity to help plan the camp and lead small groups of children during the three days as a ‘great experience – open, collaborative and engaging.’
They were an amazing group of kids with warm hearts and charming characters. I played the role of supporter, guardian and participant in the activities. Staying awake until they all went to sleep was the hardest part!
A safe and friendly space
Fellow student Natalie (pictured above checking out the climbing wall) describes the camps as meaningful: “They connect children together and provide a platform for them to build relationships. It creates a safe space for them to share their life stories, interests and their concerns. And the fun activities at camp enriched the children’s school holiday.”
Positive change
Alan and Natalie both saw positive changes in the children over three short days.
“Some of the children didn’t know anyone at the start of the camp,” said Natalie. “Seeing them make friends with each other, talking and hanging out with others of a similar age was really positive.”
Alan said the greatest change he witnessed was seeing the children overcoming their barriers and making new friends.
“At the beginning they preferred to stay alone but by the end of the camp they were enjoying group games. The camp offered them a space to develop relationships and learn from their peers. I felt proud to be part of an amazing team that successfully ran the camp and to receive positive feedback from the children.”
Alan and Natalie both intend to pursue social work as a career.
More information
The Taz Kids program is supported by the Crown through the Department of Health Tasmania. It includes clubs based in schools and community settings and family days, as well as the camps.
All of the activities run by Taz Kids, including the camps, are free to participants.
The program always accepts new referrals, offering opportunities for children and families to be involved throughout the year. Camps run every school holidays at Camp Clayton near Ulverstone for the North and North West and Blue Lagoon at Dodges Ferry in the South. Children will be offered places on these camps as soon as possible
Please give us a call on 1800 243 232 and ask to be put through to the Taz Kids program or email tazkids@staging-anglicare.kingsdigital.dev.
Anglicare runs other programs for children, young people and families. Click on this link to find a program nearest you.
Click here to find out more about a Social Work degree through the University of Tasmania.